Category Archives: wrongful imprisonment

The Violations of Clean Air Act by Citgo and Those of Clean Water Act by Anita L. Koop, Terry J. Cox & ARPI

ARPI (Anita’s Resort Properties, Inc.) in 1983 destroyed 5 acres of wetlands and 20 acres of fresh-water lake without performing the mitigation program required by Clean Water Act. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers) and the other regulatory agencies simply closed their eyes without taking any criminal or civil actions. The violations are ongoing because Anita L. Koop, et al. have never complied with the regulations. I filed a 60-Day Notices to Sue on June 14, 2007. See 60-DAY NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUE (Complete Text) Posted on April 23, 2012. However, after 60 days of the notice, I did not file the civil action in the Federal District Court in that two agencies never returned the CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS. Since the violations are ongoing, there is no statute of limitations.

Wetlands flooding Stock ImagesFlorida Wetlands Collage Royalty Free Stock Photos

Ducks In Florida Wetlands Stock ImagesWetland Refuge Stock Photo

5 acres of such wetlands were filled up with the dirt dredged to form the

canals in Sunilandings Phase I without creating another 5 acres of wetlands.

Wetlands park Stock PhotoGroup of kids jumping into Lake Royalty Free Stock Photos

Swan in lake Stock PhotographyGeese on the lake Stock Photos

 A 20-acre fresh water lake was filled with the dirt dredged to construct the

canals without creating another 20 acres of lake required by the Clean Water Act.

Likewise, I suggest that the DOJ and the Crime Victims’ attorneys probe into Citgo’s continuing Clean Air Act violations in addition to filing a PETITION FOR A WRIT OF MANDAMUS to vacate the VOID Order rendered by Rainey on April 30, 2014 for violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, and the victims’ Due Process and Equal Protection rights under the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Paul Chen



The crimes committed by Anita L. Koop, Terry J. Cox & the non-existent Anita’s Resort Properties, Inc.

This is just an advance notice.

To be completed soon.