Swearing in Nelva Gonzales Ramos, you allowed her to take on her new duties as a federal judge?

John D. Rainey Swearing in Nelva Gonzales Ramos

This is illegal because it’s performed by a constitutionally disqualified judge!


“You look like a good apple, but you are rotten at the core, John! I know it!”

“Agreed, but only partially! To tell you the truth, I am indeed a bad apple, rotten to the core, not just at the core, Paul!”

Judge Ramos’ swearing-in ceremony
Congratulations, Judge Ramos! You are legally sworn in now!
Michael Zamora/Caller-Times Chief Judge Ricardo Hinojosa (left) gives the oath of office to new U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos on Thursday during her formal swearing-in ceremony at the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Performing Arts Center.        Corpus Christi Caller-Times


Mr.  Rainey:

Being accused of abuse and misuse of judicial power, trespassing, usurpation, conspiracy, corruption, and treason, you are an abuser and misuser of judicial power, trespasser, usurper, conspirator, corrupter, and traitor.

Being named one of the RICO persons in my RICO claims, you become one of the racketeers. Burdened with such crimes, how could you swear in Nelva Gonzales Ramos, allowing her to take on her new duties as a federal judge? See my Open Letter to Judge John D. Rainey and Judge Janis Graham Jack of Texas, Addressing and Suing Them as Private Citizens Posted on June 10, 2012 by ricofraudonthecourt.   

Disrespectfully posted,

Paul Chen

P.S.  After filing six complaints in V–06-78, and numerous motions in other cases in your court for the past nine years, I finally found this photo of yours, but  your face is still a mystery. Can the world only see your back? I can’t imagine why you have not allowed me to have a day in court to look you in the eyes, be it handsome or ugly, kind or cruel!  Perhaps you know at heart that the face of an abuser and misuser of judicial power, trespasser, usurper, conspirator, corrupter, and traitor can never be pretty! Neither can that of a racketeer!


Mistakes are part of life, everyone makes them, everyone regrets them. But, some learn from them and some end up making them again. It’s up to you to decide if you’ll use your mistakes to your advantage. — Meredith Sapp

In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so. — Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant (painted portrait).jpg

Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724 – February 12, 1804) German philosopher widely considered a central figure of modern philosophy.

Every guilty person is his own hangman. — Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC – AD 65) Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist.

Are you your own hangman, Mr. Rainey?  To have a better idea why I am so disrespectful to a supposedly respectable federal judge, please refer to Mr. Rainey: Why did you sit on my TRO Motions for 11.5 months without taking any actions while others were issued in an hour with a phone call or in one day?  and the Open Letter Posted on June 10, 2012 by ricofraudonthecourt.   

Prisoners  legs


Man being arrested

This man is being arrested for committing a crime.

How about abuse and misuse of judicial power, trespassing, usurpation, conspiracy, corruption, treason, and RICO crimes?

This is his first punishment, that by the verdict of his own heart no guilty man is acquitted. — Juvenal (/ˈdʒuːvənəl/), Roman poet active in the late 1st and early 2nd century AD, author of the Satires.

Can you deny Juvenal’s words of wisdom that have taught people all over the world for nearly 2000 years? Can you acquit yourself like conspiring with Ms. Janis Graham Jack to put up a farce in 2010? It only took two minutes of her lunchtime to have me thrown out of court without having the Clerk give notice to the defendant, JOHN D. RAINEY, in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §1915(d)!

“I’m absolutely, l00 percent, not guilty,” said O. J. Simpson.

“So am I,” said John D. Rainey!

A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. — John C. Maxwell (born 1947).    He is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written 71 different books, primarily focusing on leadership. His book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow and some others are on the New York Times Best Seller List.      Looks like big enough, smart enough, and strong enough can’t be found in your legal dictionary, John David Rainey!

Do you want to become the Person Others Will Want to Follow, John? Get a copy, and read it carefully, then! Why? Your ethically, morally, and legally repugnant behavior has coarsened the body politic, and is to be shunned because it is as infectious as plagues!

Here is another conscience-shocking example of Mr. Rainey’s abuse and misuse of judicial power, trespassing, usurpation, conspiracy, corruption, treason, and RICO crimes! Please click:  Pollution Is a Violent Crime—Prosecute It as Such – The …


May 08, 2014 · But pollution is a violent crime—and should be prosecuted … U.S. District Judge John D. Rainey decided Wednesday that victims of Citgo’s criminal …

“U.S. District Judge John D. Rainey decided Wednesday that victims of Citgo’s criminal—literally criminal—pollution will receive no restitution. Citgo won’t have to pay any of the $55 million that the Justice Department had requested.

The money would have gone to compensate the victims, pay for future health screenings, and in some cases relocate households. Instead, Citgo will pay only a $2 million fine that is the legal minimum for its criminal violation of the Clean Air Act. This was the first time an oil refinery had been held criminally liable under the Act.

Benzene causes cancer, thins the blood to cause symptoms resembling hemophilia, and damages fetuses exposed to it. Because a jury found Citgo a criminal under the Clean Air Act, 800 Hillcrest residents qualified as crime victims. Normally that means that, when the criminal has money, a court will order payments to make the victim whole, or as close as possible.” — This decision is a flagrant abuse of discretion; it must be reversed! See also: Texas Judge Gives No Restitution to Citgo’s Victims in  May 14, 2014 – It took another seven years, until February, before the judge in the case finally sentenced the company. U.S. District Judge John D. Rainey …. 

It’s not unusual for him to have been sitting on a case for seven years. But I can’t imagine how the cancer victims and their families had to suffer through in those 2,500 days and nights and found to their great disappointment that there would be no money for their medical or funeral expenses! 

The defendants in the six complaints I filed in V-06-78 have never been served process according to 28 U.S.C. § 1915(d). They shall be reinstated under Rule 1-041(E)(2) of Rules Enabling Act because Mr. Rainey has been sleeping on my rights since 2005 without any hearing! That’s nine long years now! My next step is to file PETITION FOR MANDAMUS to have the Court of Appeals compel him to have my causes of action reinstated because reinstatement is mandatory under Rule 1-041(E)(2) of Rules Enabling Act since he rendered the VOID ORDERS in the complete absence of jurisdiction.

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday. —  Napoleon Hill

Procrastination is the good habit of putting off until the year after next year what should have been done the year before last year.  —  John D. Rainey


Lady of Justice Lady Justice is 100% impartial because she doesn’t care who gets to keep the $55 million, Citgo or the 800 Hillcrest residents. She only cares about justice and fairness.

Your decision is so grossly unfair, unjust, unconscionable, unusually harsh and shocking to the conscience that no mentally competent judge would render it,  that no fair, honest, and reasonable person would accept it, and that the appellate court’s reversal of the judgment is warranted.

Air pollution

Just as industrial air pollution is intolerable so is judicial corruption!

* Corruption: An act done with an intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others. It includes bribery, but is more comprehensive; because an act may be corruptly done, though the advantage to be derived from it be not offered by another. See An Open Letter to Judges John D. Rainey and Janis Graham Jack charging them with abuse and misuse of judicial power, trespassing, usurpation, conspiracy, corruption, and treason! Posted on . Can’t you see how corrupt you are, Mr. Rainey? You don’t have to be caught red-handed with bribes to be corrupt! Any reasonable businessman would be willing to offer you 10% out of $55 million. No one will ever know if any deal is done under the table except you and Citgo. Attorneys paid on a contingency basis would get 33%, i.e., $18 million+.

Businessman full of cash  Suitcase full of money Antique box with money

Ten percent is $5.5 million. The three suitcases are incapable of delivering the whole amount, sir!

He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. — Benjamin Franklin

Gold bars Gold controls of the world concept

All my client’s gold bars are safely deposited in a Swiss bank vault, your honor.




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